And the title of today's debate is ...........*DRUM ROLL* "Is This World Unfair?" *CRASH*
To me, i really think this world is bloody unfair. Seriously. there are so many things about my life that i think are so unfair and i wish i could change. so many Why's
But the thing is, is this world really unfair? or do we say this world is unfair only because things dont go the way we want. like when we say stuff like "why would she like him instead of me?" or "i studied so hard for this exam. why couldnt i have done better?" or "why cant i be richer?" or "why am i born into this family?"
Are we all just being selfish? or is this world really unfair?
Things cant go the way we want it to be. God made it like that so we wont be bloody spoiled brats and bloody spoiled brats just have to have things their way and it makes the world unfair for others.
We all need the serenity to accept the things we cant change and the courage to change the things we can. and the wisdomity to know the difference.
And this is the thing that inspired me / taught me. :)